Manure Handling / CAFO
The Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) program in Georgia regulates the disposal of manure and wastewater through land application systems from animal feeding operations across the state.
The Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) program manages facilities that use land application of animal waste. All facilities that manage liquid animal waste of 300 animal units or more must register with the Georgia Department of Agriculture (GDA) for the CAFO program. If you are not sure whether your operation qualifies, please contact GDA to go over in detail.
Facilities in the CAFO program must have permits. They are also required to develop nutrient management plans (NMP), have certified operators, and keep records of their land application activities.
GDA and the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) jointly administer federal and state permits related to the CAFO program. GDA manages the permitting and compliance of facilities, and EPD oversees the program and any enforcement actions.
Laws & Regulations
Agriculture Rules
Contact Us
JR Joshi
Compliance Specialist
jr.joshi@agr.georgia.gov Tel: (404) 656-4958