The Georgia Department of Agriculture (GDA) regulates food manufacturing facilities and warehouse distribution facilities to make sure that food is produced safely, meets quality standards, and is accurately labeled.
About this Program
The Manufactured Food Program protects consumers' health by ensuring that food in Georgia is prepared in a clean environment and presented honestly and transparently. The program’s inspectors, known as processing specialists, conduct random, unannounced inspections of food manufacturing and warehouse distribution facilities throughout Georgia such as processing plants, wholesale bakeries, and bottled water and drink processors. (Facilities that process meat and poultry products are regulated by the GDA Meat Inspection Section and the USDA Food Safety Inspection Service.) The inspectors collect food and water samples and review sanitation practices and product labels. All specialists have received advanced training in appropriate specialized processing operations.
Samples, Testing, and Reporting Requirements
All Georgia food manufacturers must test finished products and their ingredients. Every processing facility is assigned a risk category that determines how often testing must be conducted.
If test results show that a product contains poisonous or deleterious substances/contaminants, inform the GDA within 24 hours (even if the product is still in your control) at 404-657-4801 or postiveresults@agr.georgia.gov. You will probably need to report the results to the FDA and/or USDA as well.
Special Processes
Classified Product Requirements
If you’re producing a product that needs to be classified (e.g., acidified food or low-acid canned food), review the Guidelines for Food Processing Safety.
Better Processing Control Courses
You may need to take a course with a Better Processing Control School of your choice. The University of Georgia offers some in-person classes – view upcoming dates on the UGA Calendar of Events.
The University of California, Davis, offers an online course. So do other universities and centers of learning throughout the U.S.
Product Registration
Visit the FDA webpage on Establishment Registration & Process Filing for Acidified and Low-Acid Canned Foods (LACF) to learn about product registration and process filing.
Other Requirements
If you need a Wholesale Fish Dealer’s License, you must take a Seafood HACCP course. See our Seafood Safety webpage for more information and additional resources.
To wholesale/distribute juice products, you must meet the requirements in the 21 CFR 120 regulations. Note: Unpasteurized juice cannot be sold wholesale in Georgia.
Breweries and distilleries can sell directly to consumers from their premises as long as they follow these rules.
License Types
Licenses for this Program
Licenses for this Program
Laws & Regulations
Laws and Regulations
Contact Us
Manufactured Food Program
ManufacturedFoodInfo@agr.georgia.gov Tel: (404) 656-3627 -
Meat Inspection Program
Meat Products (Jerky, Sausage) Tel: (404) 656-3673