Agricultural Pest Control
The Georgia Department of Agriculture (GDA) regulates all companies and operators providing agricultural pest control services within the State of Georgia. We make sure that consumers get safe, standardized, and quality pest control services.
About this Program
The Pesticide Program enforces state and federal laws on the use and application of pesticides. We:
- License private pesticide applicators engaged in the production of agricultural commodities;
- License commercial pesticide applicators to provide pest control in a variety of settings, such as lawncare, rights-of-way, and mosquito control;
- License pesticide contractors (i.e. businesses) who provide pest control commercially and for a fee.
This Agricultural Pest Control page describes pesticide applicator and contractor requirements and provides resources. To learn more about registering pesticides and selling restricted pesticides, see our Pesticide Products page.
See our Pest Control FAQ
Pesticide Applicators
Pest Control FAQ
Private Applicators
You need a Private Applicator License in order to purchase, use, or supervise the use of any restricted use pesticide on your property or the property of your employer, while engaged in the production of an agricultural commodity.
Application and Exam Registration for Private Applicators
Commercial Applicators
When not engaged in the production of an agricultural commodity, a Commercial Applicator License in the appropriate category is required to purchase, use, or supervise the use of restricted use pesticides on your property or the property of your employer.
Application and Exam Registration for Commercial Applicators
If you are licensed in another state with substantially the same standards as Georgia, all or part of the examination requirements may be waived. The Reciprocal License Application is a downloadable form that you will need to fill out and send to us. The fee for this application is $90.
General Information
Our Pest Control FAQ page has details about determining the category of license you need, and applying for the license.
See our detailed list of applicator license categories.
Search for Pesticide Applicators
Pesticide Contractors
Pest Control FAQ
In order to provide pesticide applications of any type of pesticide, whether general use or restricted use, to the property of another person, and collect a fee for these services, both a Commercial Applicator License and a Pesticide Contractor License are required.
General Information
Our Pest Control FAQ page has details about determining the category of license you need, and applying for the license. For more information about pesticide contractor licensing requirements, see our Pesticide Contractors page.
Find Active Licensed Pesticide Contractors
Please notify us if you believe someone is operating without the proper pesticide licensing by completing the Reporting Unlicensed Contractor/Commercial Applicator Form.
Re-Certification Courses
Commercial and Private Applicator CEU Credits for Re-Certification
Once certified applicators obtain the required CEU credit for each current license category, additional CEU credit will not be recorded once the CEU credit hour requirement has been satisfied.
See our Pest Control FAQ for more information.
Important! We take the integrity of our course results very seriously. There are strong consequences for anyone found to be cheating on an exam. Please see our Cheating Policy for full details.
Approved Courses
Search Pesticide Applicator Recertification Courses for details on approved courses.
Approved Online Trainers
- certifiedtraininginstitute.com (On-line Recertification Classes)
- All Star Training: AllstarCE.com (On-line Recertification Classes)
- Veseris (On-line Recertification Classes)
- FarmProgressCEU (On-line Recertification Classes)
- ceuschool.org (On-line Recertification Classes)
- PESTED.COM (On-line Recertification Classes)
- pesticidelicense.com (Live Online Webinars by The Hort Life, LLC)
Course Approvals
You must submit all course approvals 30 days before the course date. Submissions must include an attached course agenda or training outline. If you have questions concerning course approvals, please contact us.
Go to the Pesticide Applicator Recertification Courses page to submit new courses or renew existing courses.
You may also submit course approvals by emailing us the Applicator Recertification Training Course Approval form. If you choose to email the Applicator Recertification Training Course Approval form to us, you must also attach a course agenda. We cannot approve your course without an agenda.
The Georgia Department of Agriculture works diligently to ensure that pesticide applications are made in a manner that is responsible and in accordance with state and federal guidelines. Please notify us using the Pesticide Incident Form if you believe an adverse incident has occurred.
License Types
Licenses for this Program
Licenses for this Program
Laws & Regulations
Georgia Laws and Regulations
Federal Laws and Regulations
Federal Laws and Regulations
Contact Us
Nick Sumner
Pesticide Program Manager
nicholas.sumner@agr.georgia.gov (404) 656-4958 -
Pesticide Applicators
AgPest@agr.georgia.gov Tel: (404) 656-4958 -
Pesticide Product Registration
pest.products@agr.georgia.gov Tel: (404) 656-4958