Seed Licensing and Testing
The Seed program supports farmers, home gardeners, and seed dealers. We focus on ensuring reliable quality of the seed sold in Georgia.
About this program
The Seed Program regulates seeds for commercial use. Our work supports farmers, home gardeners, and seed dealers.
We license dealers who sell or distribute seed in Georgia.
All seed dealers must be licensed before they can sell or distribute seed. If you’re involved with seed for sale, you must apply for a seed dealer's license using the link below. Licenses are issued for a three-year period. All current seed licenses expire on July 31, 2024.
We also offer a seed testing service. Farmers, seed conditioners, and dealers who use this service are assured of standardized testing methods that provide reliable seed quality and labeling information.
The Arbitration Council handles complaints between seed buyers and sellers.
Seed Testing
Seed testing is important for both sellers and farmers to verify quality. Testing provides a watchdog service to assure any agricultural or vegetable seed for planting purposes doesn’t contain noxious weed seeds as defined by law. Agriculture Rule 40-12-4-.01 gives a full list of noxious weed seeds and acceptable limits.
Farmers, seed conditioners, and dealers can submit samples to our Seed Laboratory for testing. This service assures standardized testing methods that provide reliable seed quality and labeling information.
Please go to the Seed Laboratory page for details on available testing and fees, and instructions on how to provide your samples.
Before you file a seed arbitration complaint, first try to resolve the problem with the company where you purchased your seeds. If you can’t resolve the problem, be sure to file promptly so we can inspect and investigate if necessary.
If you have a complaint about a seed dealer, you’ll need to file an arbitration complaint before starting any legal action. The filing fee is $75, payable to the Georgia Department of Agriculture.
To file an arbitration complaint, prepare a letter using the following guidelines. We have a sample complaint letter to get you started.
Address the letter to the Commissioner of Agriculture and state that you’re filing for seed arbitration. Briefly describe the problem and date the kind, variety, lot number and number of bags of the seed lot in question (don’t forget to include the lot number). Please also tell us where the seed was purchased and what company labeled or tagged the seed lot. If you can, include a copy of the purchase invoice and seed tag.
Be sure to include a check for $75 payable to the Georgia Department of Agriculture.
Mail the letter and filing fee to
Seed Arbitration Complaints
Georgia Department of Agriculture
3150 U. S. Highway 41 South
Tifton, GA 31793 -
Seed Arbitration Council
The Georgia Seed Arbitration Council oversees all seed complaints between purchaser and seller.
The Council works to help both farmers and agricultural seed dealers. When there are complaints made by farmers against dealers relating to the quality and performance of seed, the Council establishes a committee to investigate. This committee provides recommendations and determines the validity of the complaint. The Council consists of five members and five alternates representing various interests of the seed industry. Members are appointed by the Commissioner of Agriculture.
License Types
What they cover
Each retail and wholesale Seed Dealer in the state of Georgia must have a separate license for each point of sale.
Out-of-state wholesale and retail seed dealers who sell or ship seed into the state need a single license for their headquarters location.
License types
License types
If you have a complaint about a seed dealer, you’ll need to file an arbitration complaint before starting any legal action. The filing fee is $75, payable to the Georgia Department of Agriculture. The Complaints tab above has complete details on how to file a complaint.
Before you file a seed arbitration complaint, first try to resolve the problem with the company where you purchased your seeds. If you can’t resolve the problem, be sure to file promptly so we can inspect and investigate if necessary.
Laws and Regulations
Laws and Regulations
Laws and Regulations
Contact Us
Bailey Whiten
Agricultural Inputs Division Director
bailey.whiten@agr.georgia.gov Tel: (404) 656-4958 -
Melissa Smith
Licensing and Product Registration, Ag Inputs
melissa.smith@agr.georgia.gov Tel: (404) 656-4958