GDA 150th Anniversary Seal

Georgia Department of Agriculture
Tyler J Harper, Commissioner
19 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. SW
Atlanta, GA 30334

The Georgia Department of Agriculture Partners with FieldWatch® to Promote Safe Pesticide Usage

(A web-based mapping tool for beekeepers, crop producers, and pesticide applicators)

Atlanta, GA - The Georgia Department of Agriculture (GDA) has announced its collaboration with FieldWatch®, a leading non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing communication and stewardship among beekeepers, crop producers, and pesticide applicators. This partnership will enable Georgia's beekeepers and crop producers to use FieldWatch's innovative technology, providing a secure online registry to map apiaries and crop fields, ensuring safer pesticide application practices. This partnership is the latest step in Department’s efforts to promote and encourage safe, efficient pesticide use.

"The State of Georgia is excited to partner with FieldWatch to make their innovative technology available to Georgia farmers and beekeepers alike," said Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Tyler Harper. "This partnership gives our farmers another tool in the toolbox as we work together to ensure the continued success of Georgia agriculture and make our #1 industry more sustainable by promoting safe, effective, and efficient pesticide usage."

“The goal is to get beekeepers and crop producers registered through FieldWatch so applicators can get accurate information before spraying,” said Bob Walters President and CEO, FieldWatch. “This model has been proven to build good stewardship and communication in agriculture.”

The Department’s partnership with FieldWatch is the State’s latest step in a years’ long effort to reduce pesticide drift and encourage safety pesticide usage through the Using Pesticides Wisely Program (UPW).  UPW, a collaboration between the Department and UGA Extension, is the nation’s largest pesticide safety and education program and has successfully trained over 17,000 Georgians on safe pesticide usage.

The GDA's membership decision was driven by the needs of crop producers and beekeepers who wanted to register the locations of their apiaries and crops. FieldWatch's tools, such as DriftWatch™ and BeeCheck™, will enable Georgia's agricultural community to register their locations easily and securely, promote sustainable pesticide usage practices, and be free and available to all Georgia beekeepers and crop producers. FieldCheck® is the online and mobile portal that pesticide applicators can use to improve decision-making and avoid damage from spray drift to crops and beehives.


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About the GDA
The Georgia Department of Agriculture (GDA) is the voice of the state's agriculture community. The department's mission is to provide excellence in services and regulatory functions, to protect and promote agriculture and consumer interests, and to ensure an abundance of safe food and fiber for Georgia, America, and the world by using state-of-the-art technology and a professional workforce.

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GDA 150th Anniversary Seal

Georgia Department of Agriculture
Tyler J Harper, Commissioner
19 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. SW
Atlanta, GA 30334