2025 USDA/AMS Specialty Crop Block Grant Program (SCBGP) For Georgia
2025 Request for Applications RFA (PDF)
Proposal/Application template: USDA Template (PDF)
(Please note: this form will not open in all web browsers. If you cannot view this form in your browser, you will need to download it and open with Adobe Acrobat.)
Applications must be RECEIVED by GDA by NOON on Tuesday, MARCH 4, 2025. No exceptions/extensions. Send only to grants@agr.georgia.gov
Note that ONLY grower associations, commodity commissions, colleges, universities, local governments, and current IRS-designated non-profits (in partnership with a Georgia college or university) may submit a Concept Proposal for this grant: Individuals and businesses (including farms) are not eligible to apply for the SCBGP in Georgia.
After reading the RFA, direct any questions (in writing, no calls please) to Grants@agr.georgia.gov
About the SCBGP
The purpose of the SCBGP is to provide funding for projects that enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops in Georgia. Your proposal must focus on research, education, or marketing, and it must benefit the specialty crop industry.
Specialty crops eligible for the SCBGP are: fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture, Christmas trees, turf grass/sod, and nursery and greenhouse crops (including floriculture). See a full detailed list at the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service.
The current funding priorities for the SCBGP for Georgia are
- increasing consumption of specialty crops in Georgia’s schools,
- enhancing specialty crop food safety,
- helping the industry develop improved practices,
- increasing sales and marketability for commercially grown specialty crops, and
- research projects.
Got a suggestion for other funding priorities? Contact us at the email below.
We aim to fund projects that benefit Georgia’s specialty crop producers. Applications will be scored based on their potential impact on Georgia’s Specialty Crop industry.
Who can apply
- Your group MUST be based in Georgia.
- Your group MUST fall into one of the following categories: grower associations, commodity commissions, colleges, universities, state/local governments, and IRS-designated non-profits (in partnership with a Georgia college or university).
- Individuals and businesses (including farms) are NOT eligible to apply for the SCBGP.
- Non-profit organizations that are applying for the first time MUST partner with a principal Investigator (PI) from a Georgia college or university, preferably from either of Georgia’s Land Grant institutions (UGA or FVSU).
- If you have submitted the same project to GDA twice in the past and it hasn’t been funded, it cannot be submitted again. You’re welcome to submit a new project for consideration.
Applicant Resources
Revised Outcome Measures and Indicators
Appendix A - Unallowable and Allowable Costs (Required reading for all applicants)
Appendix B - Logic Model (Use this as a guide. It is not needed as part of your application)
Appendix C - Budget Template (Use this as a guide. It is not needed as part of your application)
Appendix D - List of Eligible Specialty Crops (Required reading for all applicants)
USDA/AMS-SCBG Website (All applicants should review this info from USDA)
Grantee Resources
2024-2027 GDA/SCBG Sub-Grantee Procedures Manual
2023-2026 GDA/SCBG Sub-Grantee Procedures Manual
2022-2025 GDA/SCBG Sub-Grantee Procedures Manual
2021-2024 GDA/SCBG Sub-Grantee Procedures Manual
Guide to Submitting SCBGP Reimbursement Requests to GDA
Form: SCBGP Project Budget Modification/Amendment Request
Form: SCBGP Drawdown/Reimbursement Request
Form: SCBGP Sample Timesheet for logging salary charged to the grant