The GDA has created a computer-based version of the Structural Pest Control Examinations. Now you can go online to select a location and schedule an exam at a date and time of your choosing. You’ll receive your exam results instantly and have access to your exam history. The fee is $45.
Employee Registration Examination
The employee registration examination is available only at participating technical colleges. Applicants must meet the following criteria:
You must be an employee of a licensed structural pest control company.
You must have completed 10 hours of classroom training and 70 hours of on-the-job experience with a certified operator or registered employee.
If you meet those criteria, follow these steps for examination and registration:
- Go to to schedule an exam and print an application.
- Give your application to a Designated Certified Operator (DCO) for signature.
- Bring your application and fee to the scheduled exam location and complete the exam.
- If you pass the exam, give the exam report and application to the DCO to complete. Mail to the GDA and include the fee payment.
- If you fail, complete steps 1-3 again. There is a two-day waiting period to retake the exam. If you fail a third time, you must repeat the 10 hours of classroom training before retaking the exam.
- If you don’t have a completed application and proper fee, you won’t be allowed to take the exam even if you’re scheduled.